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Watch out: Unlicensed Content!


Watch out: Unlicensed Content!

The movies produced by our company were illicitly distributed at a 5D attraction in Kharkov starting from November last year, which we learned from one of our partners and, using the color tags and the editing of our movie, easily managed to identify from which of our clients that Kharkov theater had ‘borrowed’ the rides. Upon completing an investigation by the competitive agencies this January, copies of our movies were confiscated. We turn to our colleagues, manufacturer of the equipment installed at that theater (Light City), owners and distributors of the content played back at the attraction with a request to verify availability of valid licenses to the following movies that are still distributed by that theater: The Dead House, Skyscrapers, Bugly, Necroasylum, Super Racing, Space Threat, Mine, In Darkness, Space Race, Bundishvan Hills, Stone Dream, Killer Racing, Bundishvan Megadarts, Bubble Double, Metro, Skyscrapers, Haunted House.
Many thanks for their honesty to all distributors who co-create civilized conditions for development of our common business. We invite the violators to cooperate. Everybody come out of the Shadow!


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