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Sales of 5d theaters and 3D films

5D Theaters are a new offer on the market of entertainment services. 5d cinema is the novelty of contemporary theatrical distribution. This technology combines showing a 3D movie with special effects that make viewers feel like a part of a scene. Seats move from side to side, wind blows, and water sprinkles on the audience. 5d theaters are sets of equipment with complex mechanisms controlled by a special program.
Selling 5d theaters is a promising trend in the entertainment business. Films created with the latest technology will allow many people to join something new. People visit 5d theaters and other attractions with pleasure and great interest. This means that 5d theaters are desirable both for the audience and for film distributors.

By the way, do you understand why 5d theater which consists of many elements is called so? Consider three-dimensional image plus surrounding sound plus so called “effect of presence” - motion, airflow, water spray and other special effects. There are five dimensions. Special program “Cinema tracker 5” synchronizes all the moves and effects with the plot of the film. The program is attached to the equipment set.

Not only 5d equipment, but also films developed by hardware manufacturers or bought from distributing companies are available to final client. Creation of a three-dimensional image on the screen is based on the perception of human vision. We see the world in volume, because each eye sees it from its position. Brain combines the two images, and it becomes voluminous. 3D films are shot with two cameras which simultaneously record the image from two points at right angles to each other. These two images are projected simultaneously on the screen. Stereo glasses combine images, and there is one three-dimensional image.

Today, 3D films offered for sale are mostly short, with an adventurous story. They may be fantasy, action, thriller films and of other genres. 5d format of theater fits into this genre like no other. And, finally, selling 5D theaters and 3D films should please children, teenagers and all fans of computer graphics. Enjoy!

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